Monday, July 14, 2008

Dover Castle

Genna will be pleased to know that as we arrived at Dover Castle and chatted to one of the staff there, we had a conversation about watching what the Top Gear crew did when the set out to drive their cars to France. We looked at where they set out from. After that little interlude, we spent most of the day looking around Dover Castle. We started out by looking at one of the oldest buildings in England, which is a Roman lighthouse called a Pharos, then we wnt in to look at a Church from Saxon times, wandered around underground tunnels that date back to the Napoleonic Wars and were used during WW2. We finished off with wandering around Keep in the middle of the whole castle site. The keep dates back to the 12th century and was built during the reign of Henry II. There will be some pictures up in the next few days for you to look at. It was quite an expereience to be wandering around this castle that has been in constant use as a military base for about a thousand years and a place that has been in use one way or another for nearly two thousand years.


Anonymous said...

What ho! My own Eldest Daughter is completely jealous that you spoke to a real live person that spoke to a real live Top Gear person. The weather sounds devine. So, what is your evening tipple? Are you imbibing in some fine ales, or sticking to wine? There is nothing quite like being gently and fuzzily sloshed in the late evening English sunshine. Just be careful (you know what I mean...). Can't wait to hear about the conference.
Your Sister.

Jane and David said...

There are some really nice very drinkable reds around, that's for sure. David is enjoying sampling ales - he says he's going to have a different one in every pub if he can manage it.

I keep gasping at stuff - you know, you turn a corner and gasp because there's something more wonderfully beautiful than the last thing you gasped at.

Anonymous said...

Richard would often laugh at me in a loving way, because I used to cry all the time saying "oh, but its so beautiful!" It sounds like the weather is treating you really well, you lucky ducks/tortoises.

Jane and David said...

Oh, we *both* nearly cried when we turned the corner into Marlborough.