Monday, July 21, 2008

The Anglican Communion may move slowly...

...but this conference doesn't.

I only have time for a very quick blog before I rush off to my next engagement, listening to evangelical emerging church (hero of mine) Brian McLaren speak.

I've written about five stories today, run myself ragged chasing down Archbishops (who can only be tracked if you decode which Indaba group they are in and then stake them out as they exit their discussions, in no mood to talk to journalists).

What came out of that was a lovely story of reconciliation between the churches of Japan and Korea - certainly a testament to the conference themes of forgiveness, listening, and long term commitment to dialogue and relationship.

I had a wonderful time at the Canterbury Cathedral yesterday. The atmosphere was taut with expectation as the bishops left their retreat behind and joined in the focused business of the conference. The worship itself was magnificent, with music from all over. There's a story somewhere - I'll link to it later.

I then had a hush hush lunch at Old Lambeth Palace but I'm only going to post a photograph of me in front of the building, and no further detail, or I shall have to kill you all!

Today I had the great privilege of interviewing the Archbishop of Capetown about the Indaba process. As well as being movie-star good looking, he has a natural warmth and charisma about him that is most impressive.

I had a cream tea in Canterbury with David this afternoon as a bit of a break. Other than that, I've been on the go since 8.15, and I won't stop until about 11 tonight. I'm a wee bit tired.

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